A conventional lending platform designed for most income-producing micro projects.
Loan Amount $3M-$10
Loan-to-Value <75% Up to 100% (80% for some multifamily; debt/equity structured)
Purpose Purchase Refi ADC Rehab (Limited cash-out possible)
Lien Position 1st position
Timing (estimated) Term Sheet: 2-5 days; Closing 3-6 weeks (project variables factored)
Term 1-3 yrs interest only; 3,5,7,10 yr hybrid or fixed
Interest Rates 6.00%-9.00% -- 9.00%-12.00% (Low rated risk/Higher rated risk)
Lender Points 2-5 points
Amortization Up to 30 yrs or I/O
Recourse Full Recourse & Non-recourse ( Subject to standard “bad-boy carve outs)
Exit Fee None
Extensions Yes
Prepayment 1-3% (As a percentage of balance)
Processing Fees $6k-$10k
Min. DCSR Varies (Based upon project)
Credit Score No minimum score (No BK, No tax liens or federal judgments allowed)